About Us

Who We Are:

At Coin Masters, our mission is straightforward: empower entrepreneurs with financial insights to amplify their impact on the world.

Coin Masters comprises a dedicated team of CPAs, former Big 4 accountants, and seasoned finance professionals with a wealth of experience in assisting high-growth startups and small businesses in their journey to scale and thrive.

Our collective background involves extensive internal work with high-growth startups, where we led and built world-class accounting and finance functions. Our expertise has contributed to companies going public, securing substantial funding, executing successful acquisitions, and achieving remarkable growth in revenue and headcount.

Coin Masters aims to distill this wealth of knowledge and best practices into our outsourced financial services, providing startups and small businesses with access to top-tier financial talent.

Why We’re Different:

What sets Coin Masters apart is our unparalleled expertise in startup and small business accounting and the underlying motivation that drives us.

Our Expertise:
Coin Masters stands out as one of the few service providers in this realm owned and operated by a former Big 4 CPA and a finance/accounting executive with a background in high-growth startups. Our team comprises former Big 4 CPAs and finance professionals with decades of experience serving the unique needs of startups and small businesses.

When entrusting such a crucial function as accounting and finance to an external partner, it's imperative to engage experienced professionals who've "been there, done that." The Coin Masters team not only possesses deep expertise in accounting and finance, designrush but is intimately familiar with the challenges and opportunities specific to startups and small businesses.

Our 'Why':
We believe that startups and small businesses, ranging from revolutionary ventures to seemingly mundane main street enterprises, possess the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

Your business offers an opportunity to create a real difference in the lives of your loved ones, employees, customers, and the community. However, embarking on this journey alone is not ideal.

To truly excel and have a significant impact, you need a reliable accounting and finance partner to guide you. This is our 'why.'

Coin Masters exists to deliver world-class fractional financial services, enabling you to realize your full potential and maximize your positive influence on the world.

To us, you're not just a customer; you're a hero on a journey to make the world better, and we consider it a distinct privilege to assist and guide you along this transformative path.

Connect with one of our specialists and experience the growth journey with Coin Masters.